Thursday, 23 February 2012

A Week in the Wet Season!

It has rained all week this week! Terrific storms too... on Tuesday, there were 20,000 lightning strikes in the space of the afternoon!  I had to venture out to pick up Oli from school and it was soooo scary. Luckily, we suffered no structural damage and the worst is over I think.  One good thing is that the temperature has - at last - decided to drop; we're around 24 degrees which is positively chilly to us now.  The shops are full of 'winter clothing' too!  However, I don't feel like dragging on Ugg boots and a sweatshirt just yet!
Shrove Tuesday this week which is very low key in Australia... none of the classes I have taught this week had pancakes or knew the meaning of eating them on that particular day. I made them write the occasion in their planners for next year and was happy that at least they'd learnt something in my lessons that day!
I have had quite a bit of teaching work this week which is good. It means an early start for me as I must be available for an agency telephone call from 6am each morning and I need to, obviously, ensure Oli is organised and off to school: he has no concept of time at all but he's come up with the goods this week, bless him and hasn't been late at all. I am also enjoying driving some very scenic routes to the different schools, 
Relating to school, Oli decided that he wanted to go for the role of Year 7 House Captain at Mountain Creek.  Jeff and I were a bit concerned as very few of the 350 kids in the house actually know him and we didn't want him setting himself up for a very hard fall.  However, Oli was insistent and wrote his own speech detailing why the students should choose him over the other 9 candidates, delivering it to the students yesterday morning.  He was duly voted in by the students and teachers and takes up his role today! We are soooo very proud of him and it's the perfect way for kids at the school to get to know him too.  Oli also found out that he attracted 96% of the female students' votes which means that his teenage years are going to be tough for us!!! He's over the moon and so are we.  A perfect end to the week.

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