Saturday, 6 December 2014

Summer Hollibobs!

Yay!!!! At last, the summer holidays are here. Finished at Victory on Friday. Mixed feelings as have made some good friends and the kids 'came good' overall. Onwards to new school now and Oli's coming with me. But first: HOLLIBOBS!!!
We're off in a minute to South East Asia for 6 weeks. House let out and ready to go. First stop is Singapore, which should be fun. 
The best bit will be spending time with Jeffers and Oli. Oli has worked sooooo hard this year, gaining Dux without any input from us at all (guilty mum). He needs to kick back now and is super excited about our trip. 
We took him travelling when he was three although he is unable to remember anything at all, so this will be such an experience. 
I have probably spent more time cleaning the house in readiness for our people than I have all year! Jeff's amazed at the difference. Anyways, here we go!

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