What a rainy old time we've had here recently! Shouldn't complain I guess... our 2 X 5000 litre tanks are now full (and overflowing!) and our parched landscape is greener. However our dried-up mud around the house is now sludgy mud... yuckadoodle. At least our home is warm and dry and there is something so guilt-free about snugging up to watch a movie whilst it's raining outside. The boys have the rugby on the television though at the moment, so I guess I'll have to pick up a book first.
Friday was our area sports day. I volunteered to take the students and loved it! I felt like the kids do when they don't have to go to school. They were brilliant actually, considering they were water-logged as it bucketed down all day. We arrived back at school a bit early, so we watched some YouTube clips in class whilst the heater attempted to warm us up: felt just like England!
Our year 12s are getting excited already about their formal at the end of the year. Very different from the UK. The kids at my school have to learn to waltz (they're having lessons in school at the moment), take a partner of the opposite sex (!) and their parents attend the event too! A very formal formal I have to say. I won't be attending, but I will go along to see their attire: it's all I have heard about since March... sigh... They are on their last couple of English assignments now and they are relieved to see an end to it all... um... so am I. Haha!
I have enjoyed looking on facebook this week, noting my ex-Park students' GCSE results! I still keep in touch with several of them, and have shared their anxiety and nerves waiting for results day. Great bunch of kids that were my tutor group in Year 7 and 8, before we emigrated. Miss 'em!
Oli picked up his new reading glasses today: they actually quite suit him. He only needs to wear them for close work (computers and reading). We have a Specsavers here, as in the UK, and our medical insurance means that we can have a free eye-test and glasses each year: bonus. Oli also had his braces fitted on Wednesday but dislodged one already last night! Can't get it sorted until Monday, so his timing was not good. He's adapted well to them, but now says that he feels a bit of nerd with both glasses AND braces. Bless him. Doesn't seem to be stopping the girls from txting... not that I should know that of course :)
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