Sunday, 9 November 2014

November Days

No Guy Fawkes night... showed the kids photographs and explained what happened on the night. They were all amazed that we burnt an effigy of anyone in front of small children!

What a week. My first piece of writing ever published in T.E.S. Very pleased and it's given me the confidence to send more stuff off. One hundred pounds to be given to the school. I have decided that I would like a coffee machine for the staff: a necessity. 

Not long now until the end of term at my present school. Mixed emotions really as my two years there have taught me a lot about myself as a teacher although I feel ready to move on and to undertake more challenges. Always have been a bit of a fidget! Very excited about my new job role and school as will be teaching seniors only (year 11 and 12) as well as an extra class for gifted and talented year 9s. Oli will be moving there too when the school year starts in January. He'll be in Year 10 then with year 11 and 12 still to go so the timing is good too. Oli has decided that the draw of the extra curricular activities -sailing,body boarding and rugby- far outweigh the fact that he may be taught Senior English by his mum! The school is endeavoring for the latter not to be the case, but it's a possibility. St Teresa's is a larger school than my present one - it has 800 students - although it's in Noosaville, which is only 15 mins down the road. Smiling muchly.

Great week with a friend's family from the UK staying here. Realized what a fabulous area we live in here as we showed them around! Love to see people from the 'homeland' and to hear that Devonian accent again. Jeff and Oli are back to Biddy in July for Jeff's niece's wedding. I will be unable to accompany them as the wedding is during term time here. Sad Face, but at least I can read without interruption and eat when I like!

Weather's warming up and we're entering storm season. Batten down the hatches. Our water tanks are empty again though, so could do with some rain. The tanks, as you already know, are for our toilets and washing machines, which makes sense. However, when the tanks are empty, thankfully, we do go over to town water! Snakes are around at the moment too, although we don't seem to have any around our place. I always keep the screens pulled across to keep 'em out as well as the nasty creepy crawly things. Don't mind seeing any of it in the wild but draw the line at sharing my home with them.

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