Thursday, 29 November 2012

Last Day of Spring

Last day of Spring today. I am going to have to put Oli's choccie advent thingy in the fridge though as it'll melt if i leave it in the room... we're in for a hot and sticky heat wave-ee week apparently... I picked Oli up from school yesterday and the temperature was 29 degrees at 3pm... Queensland is quite 'tropical' so it's very humid in the summer months which can be quite draining.  It's a lot more bearable than last year though, so we must be acclimatising! 

I have now finished my contract at Nambour High School, starting my new (and permanent!) job at the end of January.  Quite emotional last few days... pressies from the kids and other teachers, yummy party food and the last lesson I taught (year 8s), they stood on the desks (!) and sang me a song from Glee... Those kids taught me as much as I taught them. Great fun.

We're moving to a place called Eumundi in early January. Signed the contracts today. We're still renting but really want to buy next year in Eumundi, so renting will give us an idea of what it's like to actually live there! Being in Eumundi will shorten my travelling distance to work and will bring us 15 minutes from Noosa beach! Oli will stay at the same school as there's a bus which'll pick him up virtually from our front door. We'll be able to walk to swimming pool, tennis court, shops and the famous Eumundi markets. Very excited: the next chapter.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Fat- Free Chrimbo Cakey Recipe

OK... ready?
Soak 1kg of mixed, dried fruit in 600ml of milk (with a dash of vanilla if you like) overnight.  The next morning, stir in 2 cups of self raising flour then bake for 2 hours in slow oven (140-150 degrees). Simples and yummy :)
Another variation on this is to soak the fruit in 600ml of orange juice instead of the milk.  Haven't tried the latter option though.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Remembrance Sunday 2012

Jeff, Oli and I have just returned from the service of remembrance in Maroochydore at the war memorial next to the river. Oli was in awe of all the veterans (young and old) with their array of medals and their stories. Some of them were clearly in a mess though, bless 'em. Very moving service.  One young lad who's served 3 terms of duty in Afghanistan gave a speech and virtually broke down, remembering those mates he'd lost along the way. 
It's also the anniversary of my mum's death today.  She died 24 years ago: where did that time go? Thinking of you mum: today and always :)

Friday, 9 November 2012

Rain and more rain (here's hoping!)

Phew... rain at last... looking out of my lounge window I am able to see my sunburnt grass looking relieved... In 12 months, our tumble drier has only been used 4 times: I have been able to line-dry clothes all year. Good to see the rain as there've been some horrid bush fires which are a huge issue here - often the fires are started deliberately too, which is a pain and a tremendous drain on services... Oh, there's a massive kookaburra on my washing line as I write, 'early bird-ing' it; with considerable success I might add!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Bonfire Night (not)

Australia doesn't celebrate Bonfire Night on November 5th. Apparently, so our friends tell us, at the end of the 1970s, the sale of fireworks to the public was banned throughout most of Australia to prevent 'misuse, personal injury and bushfires'.