Sunday, 21 September 2014

Funny Old First Day of the Hols

Today, Oli and I went to Noosa... I ordered a coffee and a 'slice of coconut cake'. The coconut cake arrived toasted: TOASTED (?).  I bought CHICKEN MINCE for tonight's chilli, then took my skirt to the newsagents to be dry-cleaned (?). On our way home, I left a box of books at Tewantin Bowls Club to be sold to members/drinkers etc. to raise money for the club. I then PAID to recycle my unwanted goods at the recycling yard. I walked in to Eumundi and bought my 5-year driving licence as well as the compulsory 3rd party insurance. I then paid an enormous amount of money (on-line) for my top-up comprehensive car insurance. No road tax here in Oz. I paid the first installment of Oli's braces, which will be $240 per month for the next 18 months. No free dental care here either. I sold several household items on Gumtree and the buyers picked them up this afternoon: without trying to knock me down on the price at all. Finally, I went to the bottle shop for some wine (not sold in supermarkets here in Oz and certainly no 'three for ten pounds' deals here!!). A day of differences.

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