Sunday, 20 July 2014

One year on...

I haven't been adding to this blog, as this year has been a busy one... but thought that I should add an update... 12 months on: what's been going on in our little world?

1) house now complete and we're living in it... still in awe of our wonderful little piece of Australia... landscaping needs attention, but not bothered too much about that at the moment... when the weather's warmer, we'll do some work I guess!
2) I am now completed the transition from provisional to full teaching status. All new teachers to Oz have to complete 200 days of teaching and put together a hulking great evidence file: wouldn't have minded, but already done this in the UK when I qualified there! All done now though :)
3) Jeff now an Aussie registered electrician... took a couple of years and parted with nearly $2000 for the actual test, but we can relax there too.
4) Oli really settled in school and bringing home great reports... lovely to hear... he's very self-motivated, which is a bonus. He's also quite the entertainer. :)
5) We've been enjoying our Aussie winter here in Eumundi and the environs. Strawberry picking, walking, attending the markets, reading, cycling et al. The beaches here are glorious in the winter sun and we've spotted: humpback whales, dolphins, echidna, turtles, sea-eagles, goannas, rainbow lorikeets, quails and snakes (but only a couple of the latter thankfully!).

We feel really settled now. Oh, I actually have just secured a new teaching job, commencing in January 2015. I will be teaching senior English only (year 11 and 12) AND THE JOB'S IN NOOSAVILLE WHICH IS ONLY 14 MINS DRIVE FROM HOME... :)