Saturday, 16 February 2013

A teenager in our midst...

Well, today our big fella turned 13 years of age... where did those years go? we spent the afternoon at the cinema watching 'The Impossible' which is all about the Boxing Day tsunami in Thailand. True story about a family who were staying in Khao Lak; where we were less than 12 months earlier. Very sobering to watch, although it was a film that Oli wanted to see and, as it was his birthday, it was his choice!
We then spent the evening at the Thai restaurant in Eumundi with Sid and Betty, followed by birthday cake and a cuppa at home.  Fabulous day with fabulous company.  A teenager... sigh... can't get over it...

Saturday, 2 February 2013

New School

What a great week I have had. I started work at my new school, albeit a day late because of the flooding.  Lovely atmosphere, although soooo much to try and take in!  So many different systems, classes, ways of doing things etc... but the staff are tremendously helpful and supportive.  My classes are great: lively but sooo keen to learn... really refreshing! The college is starting to grow and it's exciting to be there with them as it does so.  So happy to be there.  The school is small enough (400 students in total), that I should know all their names by Easter!  The higher grades interact with the prep and junior students regularly, making it seem like one big family.