Sunday, 30 September 2012


Apart from breaking my finger on the first anniversary of our arrival in Australia (will always remember where we spent it I s'pose: the A&E in Caloundra), it's been pretty uneventful here on the Sunny Coast. 
On school hols at the moment which is great: lie-ins a-plenty.  We're all normally up and about by 6am whilst working and school-ing so it's been lovely.  Jeff has today off (Queen's birthday here in Queensland) which is a treat for him.  His work has been so intense that he hasn't been able to take time off all year. He's even been working Saturdays to ensure that the contract's completed by December. It's good to have him around.
Oli and Jeffers are playing table tennis at the moment and then we're off to the beach for a walk and a coffee.  Mooloolaba is a holiday destination so is chocka with tourists. Great atmosphere although trouble with parking during hols! 
1st of October now and the summer is almost upon us.  Summer means humidity and thunderstorms here in Queensland though, so different than summer in the UK.  We have managed to persuade our landlord to install fans in our rental  property which is good so we've just signed up for another 6 months. Looking to buy our own place next year.  So glad that we didn't rush in to things, although I will feel more 'settled' when we have bought somewhere.  

Friday, 21 September 2012

12 months on...

We did it... it's our first anniversary... one year ago today, the 22nd of September, we landed in Australia... ♥

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Holidays and stuff!

Have now finished at school and ready for the 2 week holiday... Oli and I are looking forward to the break: an 11 week term is a shock to our pommie system... zzz... Oli also started at a new school a couple of weeks ago so he's had extra stuff to think about.  We moved him to a smaller school as he was finding the local one a bit 'overwhelming'.  Thankfully, he's back to the Oli we know and love and we can breath a collective sigh of relief!  His new school is set in pineapple plantations with some fabulous views along with a lovely feeling of 'community'.  Oli is taking up basketball in term 4: as he's now 5'9"he has the height of a basketball player, if nothing else!
I have spent to day dealing with some more 'differences'.  Oli suddenly announced that he had to take in some 'lollies' (pommie= bag of sweets) and so we rushed to the supermarket to find that they don't open until 8am each day! I then traipsed off for an appointmen with the the only 'bulk billing' doctor locally, which means that I don't have to pay for treatment up front.  I then paid our compulsory 3rd party car insurance and rego (I still don't understand the car stuff!).
Weather forecast is 30 degrees for tomorrow with a possible thunderstorm: we really, really need rain... we've only had a couple of days of it in the last 50 days...  The leaves and grass are brown and dry: a real fire hazard.  The jacaranda are blooming now though which has got to be one of my faves :)